Terms and conditions

HomeTerms and conditions

Imprint, terms and conditions, data protection

I. Terms and Conditions

Ii. GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR SALE: Orders, Deliveries, Payments, etc.

Iii. Processing and protection of personal data

Iv. Cookies Policy

1. DEFINITIVE ELEMENTS The general terms and conditions will apply to all sales of goods and services by ELECTRICSUN SRL, through the virtual store www.ElectricSun.de to the Buyer and can only be modified with the express written consent of both parties. Thus, the following terms will mean:

Buyer - the person, company, company or other legal entity issuing an Order. Seller - commercial company ELECTRICSUN SRL, Trade Register Registration Number: J02/858/02.12.2010, Unique Registration Code (VAT number): RO27769953, Headquartered in Arad, 12 Gorunului Street, Post Code 310212, Romania, Work schedule: Monday – Friday, 08.00 – 15.00 (lunch break 11 – 12) Phone number: +40 720 607 111 ; +40 257 457 395 E-mail:office[at]electricsun.de The prices displayed are in (EUR, GBP, RON, HUF, BGN, PLN) and include VAT (19%). Discounts are valid until the end of the month, but are within the available stock limit. Prices include green stamp costs, related to the collection, treatment and disposal of WEEE, No. RO-2017-05-EE-2871-I. Goods and Services - any product or service, including the documents and services mentioned in the Order, to be provided by the Seller to the Buyer. Order - an electronic document that intervenes as a form of communication between Seller and Buyer by which the Seller agrees to deliver Goods and/or Services and the Buyer agrees to receive these Goods and/or Services and to make payment for them. Contract - an Order confirmed by the Seller. Intellectual Property Rights (as follows IPR) – all intangible rights such as know-how, copyright, database rights, design rights, model rights, patents, registered trademarks and domain name registrations for any of the above. Specifications - all specifications and/or descriptions of Goods and Services as specified in the Order.

2. CONTRACTUAL DOCUMENTS By placing an electronic order on the above mentioned website, the Buyer agrees to the form of communication (by e-mail) through which the Seller conducts its operations. The order will be composed of the following documents, in order of importance: A. Order (along with clear statements on delivery and billing dates) and its specific conditions B. Buyer Specifications (where applicable) C. Terms and conditions If the Seller confirms the order, this will imply a full acceptance of the terms of the Order. Acceptance of the order by the Seller is considered completed when there is an electronic confirmation (e-mail) from the Seller to the Buyer, without requiring a receipt from the Seller. The Seller does not at any time consider an unconfirmed order to have the value of a Contract. This Agreement shall enter into force upon confirmation of the order by the seller. Confirmation is done electronically (e-mail). The general terms and conditions of sale will form the basis of the contract thus concluded, also adding the Warranty Certificate issued by the Seller or a supplier thereof.

3. EXTENT OF THE SELLER'S OBLIGATIONS A. The Seller will use his professional and technical knowledge to achieve the result stipulated in the Order and will deliver the Goods and Services that meet the Buyer's requirements, needs and specifications; B. The information presented on the seller's websites is informative and may be modified by the Seller without prior notice. Also, for reasons related to space and the consistency of the information structure, product descriptions may be incomplete but the seller makes efforts to present the most relevant information, so that the product is used within the parameters for which it was purchased; C. Communication with the store – can be done by interacting with it, posting opinions about products or communicating through the addresses mentioned in the “contact” section. Opinions or comments containing insults or inappropriate language will be excluded from the site or ignored. The seller is free to manage the information received without having to justify it.

4. CESSION AND SUBCONTRACTATION The seller may assign and/or subcontract a third party for services related to the honouring of the order, with the buyer’s information, without the buyer’s consent required. The seller will always be responsible to the buyer for all contractual obligations.

5. INTELECTUAL AND INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY RIGHT (DPI) The Buyer understands the intellectual property right and will not disclose to a third party or make public (on the internet or media) any of the information received from the Seller. Also, the name of the site as well as the graphic markings are trademarks registered in the property of ELECTRICSUN SRL, TAGU SRL or ENERGY KOREA INC. and cannot be taken over, copied or used without the written consent of the owner.

6. CONFIDENTIABILITY - PUBLICITY Information of any kind provided by the Buyer to the Seller will remain the property of the Seller. They can only be used for the performance of the contract and can only be made known with written consent to the Seller and after obtaining a commitment of confidentiality from the recipient. No public statement, promotion, press release or any other means of disclosure to third parties shall be made by the Buyer in respect of the order without the Seller's prior written consent. Customer data may not be used or provided to other parties. By transmitting information or materials through this website, you give the Seller unrestricted and irrevocable access to it, the right to use, reproduce, display, modify, transmit and distribute these materials or information. You also agree that the Seller may freely use, for his own benefit, these ideas, concepts, know-how or techniques that you have sent us through the www.ElectricSun.de website. ElectricSun will not be subject to obligations relating to the confidentiality of the information sent, unless the legislation in force provides for further specifications. Under the legal conditions regarding the protection of personal data, the Seller will not disclose without authorization any information regarding the Buyer. On the basis of express and unequivocal consent and only within the limits of the legislation in force, in order to respond to your requests by offering new products/services, it is possible to offer such information to third parties (e.g. marketing service providers, other service providers; state, government agencies, when specified by the legislation provides for it; other companies with which we can develop joint programs to offer our products and services on the market).

7. DELIVERY TERMS The delivery deadline is 3-7 working days from the moment of confirmation or payment of the price, the date of the order. Saturdays and Sundays and the legal holidays are not calculated. Exceptions can also been made during the period of holidays (vacation), holidays announced on the contact page of the website under the program heading. If the delivery and/or start-up deadlines of the order cannot be met, the seller is obliged to notify the buyer of the estimated delivery completion deadline. The buyer will have the right to claim additional damages from the seller, when permitted by law, in case of total or partial non-fulfilment by the seller of the performance of the contract in accordance with the deadlines set. The price of transport is between 20 and 200 EUR, but the buyer receives promotional FREE DELIVERY, the promotion is valid only in case of acceptance of products and not in case of returns. If the Seller receives incorrect information about the billing or delivery of the products, a new deadline will be set for the order, which will be within 3 working days.

8. BILLIND AND PAYMENTS The Seller will issue an invoice to the Buyer for the Goods and/or Services to be delivered, the Buyer's obligation being to provide all the information necessary to issue the invoice in accordance with the legislation in force and to pay the price.

8.1.1 Online payment with bank card is done through the 3D-Secure e-commerce service, you have 100% transaction security by using an SSL-EV (SSL Extended Validation) certificate that ensures the encryption of the exchange of information between the client's browser simultaneously with the PCI-DSS authentication and certification of the BCR-EuPlatesc.ro, ensures IT compliance of the online cashing solution with the security requirements imposed by international card organizations by offering a PCI-DS Merchant Level 1 certified solution , PCI-DSS certification of EuPlatesc.ro is ensured by daily scanning against vulnerabilities performed by McAfee and monthly penetration tests performed by TrustWave, zero commission for the buyer. The minimum order must be more than 100 EUR with VAT in order to benefit from free delivery. The price, payment method and payment term are also specified in the Order.

8.2. Payment by Bank Transfer - Payment Order to one of the following bank accounts: IBAN account in GBP: RO34BTRLGBPCRT00C3710601; at Banca Transilvania, SWIFT: BTRLRO22 IBAN account in EUR: RO42BTRL00204202C37106XX; at Banca Transilvania, SWIFT: BTRLRO22 IBAN account in HUF: RO02BTRLHUFCRT00C3710601; at Banca Transilvania, SWIFT: BTRLRO22 8.3. Payment on delivery - Refunds - Cash, is paid to the delegate-delivery company TNT, TCE or DPD, it is only valid in certain countries, not in the UK.

9. RISKS AND RESPONSIBILITIES A. Delivery The Seller undertakes to ship goods and services in door-to-door courier system to the Buyer, with DPD, TNT, TCE or other courier company. B. Reception If the package (box) is damaged at reception from the courier, the buyer must take pictures and the courier will draft a damage report (the courier has a template in his PDA). If the buyer accepts delivery without a damage report, the seller is no longer responsible for risks or damages. If the package (box) is damaged at reception from the courier and the delivery note specifies ”Verification on delivery”, and the buyer accepts delivery without taking photos or drafting a damage report, the seller is no longer responsible for risks or damages. C. Transport - Packaging Unless differently agreed upon by the seller and buyer, the seller assumes the risks and responsibilities associated with the goods and/or services when handing them over to the internal or external courier company with which the seller collaborates. The seller discharges the risks and responsibilities associated with the Goods and/or Services at the time of their surrender to the internal or external courier company with which the Buyer collaborates or to the buyer’s representative. The seller will ensure the proper packaging of the Goods and/or Services and ensure the transmission of accompanying documents. The seller will deliver goods and services in any area, locality in to all mainland UK and Europe.

10. RECEPTION AND RETURNS Reception will be made when the goods and/or services comply with the technical characteristics mentioned in the Order. If the Buyer discovers that the Products delivered and/or the Services provided do not comply with the technical specifications, then the Seller will bring the goods and/or services to conformity. Also, for products sold and delivered by www.ElectricSun.de (ElectricSun SRL) according to OUG no. 34/2014, the buyer individually benefits from the return of new, unused products, within 14 days from the date of receipt, bearing the costs of shipment for delivery and return. Returns from the UK cannot be processed for the moment.

If the product is returned in a state where it can no longer be sold as new (open packaging, missing accessories, damaged), the seller reserves the right to claim a fee for returning the product to the original state, as the case may be, or to cover the price difference resulting from the sale of the product as resealed or, at the Buyer’s request, re-shipping the product, the delivery expenses being borne by the Buyer.

The seller (will process refunds) will make payment to the buyer in the bank account specified by the buyer within a maximum of 7 days after the arrival of the goods in the seller’s warehouse.

11. GARANTIES All products marketed by the www.ElectricSun.de website, benefit from warranty conditions in accordance with the legislation in force and the commercial policies of the manufacturers. The products are new, in the appropriate packaging and come from sources authorized by each manufacturer. In the case of products sold and delivered by www.ElectricSun.de, warranty certificates are either issued directly by the manufacturer, if it has a national service network, or are issued by www.ElectricSun.de (ElectricSun SRL). In the case of warranty certificates issued by www.ElectricSun.de (ElectricSun SRL), the "Pick-up & Return" service involves taking over and delivering the products under the conditions specified in the warranty certificate. In the case of products purchased from our distributor partners, you will receive a warranty certificate upon delivery for each product, with all the details of the service centre. The warranty of the products purchased from our partners is guaranteed by the partner who sold the product or by the authorized service centre of the manufacturer, as appropriate. In the case of warranty certificates issued by manufacturers, the product claimed defective during the warranty period must be presented directly to the nearest service centre mentioned in the certificate. This manufacturer/authorized centre will take over the full responsibility of resolving the warranty. The lack of the product warranty certificate must be reported within 48 hours of receiving the goods on the e-mail address: office@electricsun.de . Any subsequent referral will not be taken into account.

12. PROPERTY TRANSFER Ownership of the Goods and/or Services will be transferred at the time of payment from the Buyer to the location indicated in the order (by delivery understanding signature of receipt of the transport document provided by the courier or signature of receipt on the tax invoice in case of deliveries made by the Seller’s staff). In case of delivery by courier, the Buyer is authorized to open the packages before signing the delivery, but this will be done according to the courier company’s policy.

13. LIABILITY The Seller may not be liable for any damages of any kind that the Buyer or any third party may suffer as a result of the Seller's performance of any of its obligations under the Order and for damages resulting from the use of the Goods and Services after delivery and in particular for the loss of products. The Seller will be liable if the sub-contractors and/or their partners of any kind involved in the execution of the Order do not fulfil any of the contractual obligations.

14. MAJOR FORCE Neither party shall be liable for non-performance of its contractual obligations if such non-execution is due to a force majeure event. The major force is an unpredictable event, outside the control of the parties that cannot be avoided.

15. APPLICABLE LAW - JURISDICTION This contract is subject to Romanian law. Any disputes arising between the organizer and the participants in the campaign will be resolved amicably or, if not possible, the disputes will be resolved by the competent Romanian courts in the municipality of Arad.

16. INFORMATION ON WEEE Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) may contain hazardous substances that have a negative impact on the environment and human health if not collected selectively. Considering the provisions of OUG 195/2005 – relating to environmental protection, OUG 78/2000 – on the waste regime, pursuant to the provisions of Article 5 of Regulation (EEC) No 2081/92, 10 of H.G 448/2005, on waste electrical and electronic equipment, customers will consider the following: - Customers have an obligation not to dispose of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) as unsorted municipal waste and to selectively collect these WEEEs; - The collection of these wastes (WEEE) will be carried out through selective collection points made available to manufacturers by the local public administration authorities which have the obligation under Article 5(1) of HG 448/2005 to collect WEEE separately from private household waste and to make available to manufacturers the spaces necessary for the establishment of WEEE collection points; - Customers can hand over WEEE free of charge at the collection points specified at the time of purchase of a new product of the same category The symbol indicating that electrical and electronic equipment is the subject of a separate collection represents a wheeled bin with two X-shaped lines, as in the next image.

This icon indicates that WEEE should not be mixed with household waste and that it is the subject of selective collection. After damage, electrical heating panels should not be thrown away, but go to specially arranged centres for WEEE collection. (a) users are required to collect electrical waste and electronic equipment WEEE separately and not to dispose of WEEE together with unsorted municipal waste; (b)users of WEEEs in private households will hand over all WEEE waste for re-use, recycling and other forms of WEEE recovery to collection centres; (c) potential harmful effects on the environment and human health as a result of the presence of dangerous substances in the EEI; (d) the meaning of the symbol of a waste container on which an X is affixed signifies the prohibition of the storage of WEEE together with unsorted municipal waste.

17. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS The parties to the contract shall be considered independent contractors and neither party shall be granted the right or authority to assume or create any obligation on behalf of or against the other. The terms and conditions of this agreement replace other previous written or verbal agreements between the Parties mentioned, relating to the subject matter of this Agreement and may be amended or changed only by written agreement signed by both Parties.

Processing and protection of personal data

Privacy Policy on the Processing of Personal Data We consider ensuring the right to the protection of personal data as a fundamental commitment ElectricSun.de, so we will devote all necessary resources and efforts to process your data in full compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 ("General Data Protection Regulation" or "GDPR"), as well as any other legislation applicable in Romania. As one of the essential principles of this legal framework is transparency, we have prepared this document in forming you about how we collect, use, transfer and protect your personal data when you interact with us in connection with our products and services, including through our website or through the apps available on your mobile phone. We reserve the right to update and modify this Privacy Policy from time to date to reflect any changes in the way we process your personal data or any changes to legal requirements. In the event of any such change, we will display the amended version of the Privacy Policy on our website, which is why we ask you to periodically check the content of this Privacy Policy. Who are we and how you can contact us? ElectricSun.de is the trade name of S.C. ELECTRICSUN S.R.L., the legal person of Romanian nationality, having its registered office in Arad, postal code 310212, 12 Gorunului Street, having serial number in the Trade Register J02/858/02.12.2010, unique tax registration code RO27769953 (hereinafter “ElectricSun.de” or “we”) for the purposes of data protection legislation, when processing your personal data. As we are always open to finding out your opinions, as well as to provide you with any additional information you may need regarding the processing of your data, we encourage you to contact the Data Protection ElectricSun.de Officer at the e-mail address office@electricsun.de or by post or courier at Arad, postal code 310212, 12 Gorunului Street – with mention: to the attention of the Data Protection officer ElectricSun.de. What categories of personal data do we process? In general, we collect your data directly from you, so you have control over the type of information you provide us. As an example, we receive information from you: When you create an account ElectricSun.de, you send us: email address, first and last name; Within your page (My Account) from the ElectricSun.de platform you can add additional information, such as: photo, gender, nickname, mobile phone number, landline number, date of birth, education level, delivery addresses, alternative email address, bank card details, etc.; When placing an order, you provide us with information such as: the desired product, first and last name, delivery address, billing details, payment method, phone number, bank card details, etc. We also offer you the opportunity to register in ElectricSun.de platform through your Facebook or Google account. If you choose one of these options, you'll be directed to a Facebook Inc/Google LLC-managed page, where they'll inform you about the transfer of your data. to ElectricSun.de. You can view Facebook and Google's privacy policies using the following links: https://www.facebook.com/about/privacy, https://policies.google.com/privacy We may also collect and process certain information about your behaviour while visiting our website or using the smartphone app to personalize your online experience and provide you with offers tailored to your profile. We invite you to learn more about this by consulting the section on the purposes of processing below. On our website and in the smartphone app we may store and collect information in cookies and similar technologies, according to the Cookie Policy. We do not collect or otherwise process sensitive data included by the General Data Protection Regulation into special categories of personal data. We also do not wish to collect or process data of minors under the age of 16. What are the purposes and grounds of processing We will use your data. for the following purposes: 1. For the provision of services ElectricSun.de for your benefit. This general purpose may include, where appropriate, the following: a) Creating and managing your account within the ElectricSun.de platform; b) Processing of orders, including taking, validating, dispatching and invoicing them; (c) Resolution of cancellations or problems of any kind relating to an order, goods or services purchased; d) Return of products in accordance with legal provisions; (e) Reimbursement of the value of the products in accordance with the legal provisions; f) Providing funding through eCredit, in collaboration with our partners Cetelem and BRD Finance; g) Issue of Raiffeisen Bank's ElectricSun.de card; h) Providing support services, including providing answers to your questions about your orders or ElectricSun.de goods and services. Processing your data for these purposes is in most cases necessary for the conclusion and execution of a contract between ElectricSun.de and you. Certain processes subsumed to these purposes are also required by applicable law, including tax and accounting legislation. 2. To improve our services We always want to offer you the best online shopping experience. To do this, we may collect and use certain information about your behaviour, as Buyer, we may invite you to complete satisfaction questionnaires following the completion of an order or we may conduct, directly or with the help of partners, market studies and research. We base these activities on our legitimate interest in conducting business, always taking care that your rights and freedoms are not in any way affected. 3. For marketing purposes We want to keep you up to date on the best deals for the products/services you are interested in. In this respect, we can send you any type of message (such as: e-mail/SMS/telephone/mobile push/webpush/etc.) containing general and thematic information, information about products similar or complementary to those you have purchased, information about offers or promotions, information about products added in the “My Account/My Basket” section or the “Account/Favourites” section or shown interest in purchasing them, as well as other commercial communications such as market research and opinion polls, and we may display personalized recommendations on the website and smartphone app. To provide you with information of interest to you, we may use certain data about your behaviour as buyer (e.g. products viewed/added to wish-list/purchased) to create a profile. We always ensure that these processes are carried out respecting your rights and freedoms and that decisions made on their basis have no legal effect on you and do not affect you to a significant extent. In most cases, we base our marketing communications on your previous consent. You can change your mind and withdraw your consent at any time by: – Changing customer account settings in the “My Subscriptions” section; – Accessing the unsubscribe link displayed within the messages you receive from us; or by – Contacting ElectricSun.de using the contact details described above. In certain situations, we can base our marketing activities on our legitimate interest in promoting and developing our business. I. In any situation where we use information about you for a legitimate interest of ours, we take care and take all necessary measures to ensure that your rights and freedoms are not affected. However, you can ask us at any time, by the means described above, to stop processing your data for marketing purposes, and we will comply with your request. 4. To defend our legitimate interests There may be situations where we use or transmit information to protect our rights and business. These may include: – Measures to protect the website and users of the platform ElectricSun.de from cyber-attacks: – Measures to prevent and detect attempted fraud, including the transmission of information to the competent public authorities; – Measures to manage the various other risks. The general basis of these types of processing is our legitimate interest in defending our business, being understood that we ensure that all measures we take guarantee a balance between our interests and your fundamental rights and freedoms. In some cases, we also base our processing on legal provisions such as the obligation to ensure the security of the goods and values provided for by the applicable legislation in this field. How long do we keep your personal data? As a general rule, we will store your data as long as you have an account in the ElectricSun.de platform. You may ask us to delete certain information or close your account at any time, and we will comply with these requests, subject to the preservation of certain information, including after the account is closed, in situations where applicable law or our legitimate interests require it. Who do we transmit your personal data to? Where applicable, we may transmit or provide access to certain personal data to the following categories of recipients: – companies within the same group of companies as ElectricSun.de; – courier service providers; – payment/banking service providers; – marketing/telemarketing service providers; – market research service providers; – insurance companies, – IT service providers; – other companies with which we can develop joint programmes to offer our goods and services on the market. If we have a legal obligation or if it is necessary to defend a legitimate interest, we may also disclose certain personal data to public authorities. We make sure that access to your personal data is available to you. by third-party legal persons governed by private law shall be carried out in accordance with the legal provisions on data protection and confidentiality of information, on the basis of contracts concluded with them. Which countries do we transfer your personal data to? We currently store and process your data. personal data on the territory of the European Union. However, we may transfer some of your data. entities located in the European Union or outside the Union, including countries to which the European Commission has not recognised an adequate level of protection of personal data. We will always take steps to ensure that any international transfer of personal data is carefully managed in order to protect your rights and interests. Transfers to service providers and other third parties will always be protected by contractual commitments and, where appropriate, other safeguards, such as standard contractual clauses issued by the European Commission or certification schemes, such as the Privacy Shield for the Protection of Personal Data Transferred from within the EU to the United States of America. You can contact us at any time, using the contact details set out above, to learn more about the countries where we transfer your data and the guarantees we have implemented with respect to these transfers. How do we protect the security of your data Personal We are committed to ensuring the security of personal data by implementing appropriate technical and organisational measures, in accordance with industry standards. Transmission of your data personal data is done using state-of-the-art encryption algorithms and we store them on secure servers, while ensuring data redundancy. To make payments we use the services of the payment processor euplatesc.ro . Any payment information is encrypted using HTTPS technology with TSL 1.2 encryption. Despite the steps taken to protect your personal data, we would like to point out that the transmission of information over the Internet, in general, or through other public networks, is not completely secure, with the risk that the data will be seen and used by unauthorized third parties. We cannot be responsible for such vulnerabilities of systems that are not under our control. What rights do you have? The General Data Protection Regulation recognises a number of rights in relation to your personal data. You can request access to your data, correct any mistakes in our files, and/or object to the processing of your personal data. You may also exercise your right to complain to the competent supervisory authority or to seek justice. If applicable, you may also have the right to request the deletion of your personal data, the right to restrict the processing of your personal data and the right to data portability. More information on each of these rights can be obtained by consulting the table below. In order to exercise your rights, you can contact us using the contact details set out above. Please note the following if you wish to exercise these rights: Identity. We take the confidentiality of all records containing personal data very seriously. For this reason, please send us your requests, registrations using the email address for the ElectricSun.de account. Otherwise, we reserve the right to verify your identity by requesting additional information aimed at confirming your identity. Fees. We will not charge you for exercising your rights regarding the protection of your personal data, unless your request to access information is unfounded, i.e. repetitive or excessive, in which case we will charge a reasonable amount. We will inform you of any fees applied before you resolve your request. Duration of response. We intend to respond to any valid requests within a maximum of one month, unless this is particularly complicated or if you have made several requests, in which case we are expected to respond within a maximum of two months. We'll let you know if we need more than a month. We may ask you if you can tell us exactly what you want to receive or what you are worried about. This will help us act faster and shorten the response time to your request. Rights of third parties. We must not comply with a request if it would adversely affect the rights and freedoms of other data subjects. Targeted Rights Description You can ask us: Access • confirm whether we process your personal data; • provide you with a copy of this data; • provide you with other information about your personal data, such as the data we have, what we use, to whom we disclose it, if we transfer it abroad and how we protect it, how long we retain it, what rights you have, how you can make a complaint, where we obtained your data, insofar as the information has not already been provided to you by this information. Correction You may ask us to rectify or supplement your inaccurate or incomplete personal data. We may try to verify the accuracy of the data before it is corrected. Delete data You may ask us to delete your personal data, but only if: • they are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected; Or • you have withdrawn your consent (if the processing of the data was based on consent); Or • give effect to a legal right to object; Or • they have been illegally processed; Or • we have a legal obligation to do so. We are under no obligation to comply with your request to delete your personal data if the processing of your personal data is required for: • to comply with a legal obligation; Or • for the establishment, exercise or defence of a right in court. There are certain other circumstances in which we are not obliged to comply with your request to delete data, although these are the most likely circumstances in which we may refuse this request. Be aware that, before exercising this right, you download from your ElectricSun.de account and save all documents related to orders made from ElectricSun.de, whether the billing was made to you or to another natural or legal person (such as: invoices, guarantee certificates). If you do not do this before exercising your right of deletion, you will lose all these documents and ElectricSun.de will be unable to provide them to you, as appropriate, because the process of deleting the data, respectively the ElectricSun.de account, with all the data and documents related to it, is an irreversible process. Restricting data processing You may ask us to restrict the processing of personal data, but only if: • their accuracy is disputed (see rectification section) to allow us to verify their accuracy; Or • processing is illegal, but you do not want the data deleted; Or • they are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected, but you need them to establish, exercise or defend a right in court; Or • You have exercised your right to object and verifying that our rights prevail is ongoing. We can continue to use your personal data following a request for restriction, where: • we have your consent; Or • to establish, exercise or defend a right in court; Or • to protect the rights of ElectricSun.de or other natural or legal person. Data portability You can ask us to provide your personal data in a structured, commonly used and readable format, or you can request that it be "ported" directly to another data controller, but in each case only if: • Processing is based on your consent. or on the conclusion or performance of a contract with you; And • processing is done by automatic means. Opposition You may object at any time, for reasons related to your particular situation, to the processing of your personal information on the basis of our legitimate interest, if you consider that your fundamental rights prevail over this interest. You can also object to the processing of your data at any time for direct marketing purposes (including profiling) without invoking any reason, in which case we will cease this processing as soon as possible. Making automatic decisions You may ask not to be subject to a decision based solely on automatic processing, but only when that decision: • produces legal effects on you; Or • affects you in a similar way and to a significant extent. This right shall not apply where the decision reached following automatic decision-making: • we are required to enter into or terminate a contract with you; • is authorized by law and there are adequate safeguards for your rights and freedoms; Or • is based on your explicit consent. Complaints You have the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority about the processing of your data. Personal. In Romania, the contact details of the data protection supervisory authority are as follows: National Supervisory Authority for Personal Data Processing 28-30 General Gheorghe Magheru Street, Sector 1, postal code 010336, Bucharest, Romania, Phone: +40.318.059.211 or +40.318.059.212; E-mail: anspdcp@dataprotection.ro Without affecting your right to contact the supervisory authority at any time, please contact us in advance, and we promise that we will make every effort to resolve any matter amicably. • Please note that you can contact the Data Protection ElectricSun.de officer at any time by submitting your request in any of the following ways: – by e-mail at: office@electricsun.de or - by post or courier at: 12 Gorunului Street, Postal code 310212, Arad – to the attention of the Data Protection Officer ElectricSun.de.

Cookies usage policy and similar technologies

The https://www.ElectricSun.de site uses cookies. By browsing this site, you consent to the use of cookies. The following information is intended to inform the user of more details about the placement, use and administration of cookies used by the website https://www.ElectricSun.de or other sites in the ElectricSun network. There are also some useful links related to this topic. If you need more information that is not found below, you can contact us at: office@electricsun.de. Please read the following information carefully: This website uses cookies to provide visitors with a much better browsing experience and services tailored to everyone's needs and interests. In what we call "web 2.0", "cookies" play an important role in facilitating access and delivery of the many services that the user enjoys on the Internet, such as: • Personalization of certain settings such as: the language in which a site is viewed, the currency in which certain prices or tariffs are expressed, keeping options for various products (measures, other details, etc.) in the shopping cart (and memorizing these options) – thus generating the flexibility of the "shopping basket" (accessing old preferences by accessing the button "before" and "back") • Cookies provide site owners with valuable feedback on how their sites are used by users, so they can make them even more efficient and accessible to users. • Allow multimedia or other applications from other sites to be included in a specific site to create a more valuable, useful and enjoyable browsing experience; • Improve the efficiency of online advertising. What is a cookie? An "Internet Cookie" (also known as "browser cookie" or "HTTP cookie" or simply "cookie") is a small file, consisting of letters and numbers, that will be stored on the computer, mobile terminal or other equipment of a user from whom the Internet is accessed. The cookie is installed by request issued by a web-server to a browser (e.g. Internet Explorer, Chrome) and is completely "passive" (does not contain software, viruses or spyware and cannot access the information on the user's hard drive). A cookie consists of two parts: the name and content or the value of the cookie. Furthermore, the duration of a cookie is determined; technically, only the webserver that sent the cookie can access it again when a user returns to the website associated with that webserver. Cookies themselves do not require personal information in order to be used and, in most cases, do not personally identify internet users. • Session cookies – these are temporarily stored in the web browser's cookie folder so that it can store them until the user leaves the web site or closes the browser window (e.g. at the time of logging in/out on a webmail account or social networks) • Persistent cookies – These are stored on the hard drive of a computer or equipment (and generally depend on the preset lifetime of the cookie). Persistent cookies also include those placed by a website other than the one the user is visiting at the time – known as 'third party cookies' – which can be used anonymously to memorize a user's interests so that advertising is delivered as relevant to users as possible. What are the advantages of cookies? A cookie contains information that links a web browser (user) to a specific web-server (website). If a browser accesses that web-server again, it can read the information already stored and react accordingly. Cookies provide users with a pleasant browsing experience and support the efforts of many websites to provide comfortable services to users: e.g. online privacy preferences, website language options, shopping carts or relevant advertising. What is the life of a cookie? Cookies are managed by webservers. The life of a cookie can vary significantly, depending on the purpose for which it is placed. Some cookies are used exclusively for a single session (session cookies) and are no longer retained once the user has left the website and some cookies are retained and reused every time the user returns to that website ('permanent cookies'). However, cookies can be deleted by a user at any time through browser settings. What are third-party cookies? Certain sections of content on some sites may be provided through third parties/providers (e.g. news box, video or ad). These third parties may also place cookies through the website and they are called "third party cookies" because they are not placed by the owner of that website. Third-party providers must also comply with the applicable law and the privacy policies of the site owner. How cookies are used by this site A visit to this site may place cookies for the purposes of: • Site performance cookies • Visitor analysis cookies • Cookies for geotargetting • Registration cookies • Advertising cookies • Advertising Provider Cookies These cookies may come from third parties. Performance Cookies This type of cookie retains the user's preferences on this site, so there is no need to set them every time you visit the site. Examples: • Volume settings for video player • the speed of video streaming with which the browser is compatible Cookies for visitor analysis Each time a user visits this site the analytics software provided by a third party generates a cookie for the user's analysis. This cookie tells us if you have visited this site before. The browser will tell us if you have this cookie, and if not, we will generate one. It allows to monitor the unique users who visit us and how often they do it. As long as you are not registered on this site, this cookie cannot be used to identify individuals, they are used only for statistical purposes. If you are registered we may also know the details you have provided to us, such as your email address and username – which are subject to confidentiality and the provisions of the Terms and Conditions, the Privacy Policy and the provisions of applicable legislation regarding the protection of personal data. Cookies for these These cookies are used by a software that determines which country you come from. It is completely anonymous and is used only to target content – even when you are on our page in Romanian or another language you receive the same advertisement. Cookies for registration When you register on this site, we generate a cookie that tells us whether you are registered or not. Our servers use these cookies to show us the account you are registered with and if you have permission for a specific service. It also allows us to associate any comments you post on our website with your username. If you have not selected "keep me registered", this cookie will be automatically deleted when you close your browser or computer. Advertising cookies These cookies allow us to find out whether or not you have viewed an online ad, what its type is and how long it has been since you saw the ad message. These cookies are also used to target online advertising. We may also use third-party cookies to better target advertising, to show for example vacation ads, if the user recently visited an article on the site about vacations. These cookies are anonymous, they store information about the content viewed, not about users. We also set anonymous cookies through other sites that we advertise. By receiving them, we can use them to recognize you as a visitor to that site if you later visit our website, we will be able to deliver advertising based on this information. Advertising provider Cookies Much of the advertising you find on this site belongs to third parties. Some of these parties use their own anonymous cookies to analyze how many people have been exposed to an ad message, or to see how many people have been exposed to the same ad multiple times.Companies that generate these cookies have their own privacy policies, and this site does not have access to read or write these cookies. Third-party cookies can be used to show you target advertising on other sites, based on your browsing on this site. Other third-party cookies On some pages, third parties can set their own anonymous cookies in order to track the success of an application, or to customize an application. Due to the way of use, this site cannot access these cookies, just as third parties cannot access cookies owned by this site. For example, when you share an article using the social networking button on this site, that social network will record your activity. What type of information is stored and accessed through cookies? Cookies keep information in a small text file that allows a website to recognize a browser. The webserver will recognize the browser until the cookie expires or is deleted. The cookie stores important information that improves the Internet browsing experience (e.g. language settings in which you want to access a site; keeping a user logged into your webmail account; online banking security; keeping products in your shopping cart) Why are cookies important for the Internet? Cookies are the focal point of the efficient functioning of the Internet, helping to generate a user-friendly browsing experience tailored to the preferences and interests of each user. Refusing or disabling cookies can make some sites impossible to use. Refusing or disabling cookies does not mean that you will no longer receive online advertising – only that it will no longer be able to take into account your preferences and interests, highlighted by your browsing behavior. Examples of important uses of cookies (which do not require a user to be authenticated through an account): • Content and services tailored to the user's preferences – categories of news, weather, sports, maps, public and government services, entertainment sites and travel services. • Offers tailored to users' interests – password retention, language preferences (ex: display of search results in Romanian). • Retention of child protection filters on Internet content (family mode options, safe search functions) • Limit the frequency of ad serving – limit the number of times an ad hits a specific user on a site. • Providing more relevant advertising to the user. • Measurement, optimization and features of analytics – such as confirmation of a certain level of traffic on a website, what type of content is viewed and how a user arrives on a website (e.g. through search engines, directly, from other websites, etc.). Websites conduct these analyses of their use to improve websites for the benefit of users. Security and privacy issues Cookies are NOT viruses! They use plain text formats. They're not made up of pieces of code so they can't be executed or can't self-run. Therefore, you cannot duplicate or replicate on other networks to run or replicate again. Because they cannot perform these functions, they cannot be considered viruses. Cookies can still be used for negative purposes. Because it stores information about users' preferences and browsing history, both on a particular site and on several other sites, cookies can be used as a form of Spyware. Many anti-spyware products are aware of this fact and constantly mark cookies to be deleted as part of anti-virus/anti-spyware removal/scanning procedures. In general, browsers have built-in privacy settings that provide different levels of cookie acceptance, shelf life and automatic deletion after the user has visited a particular site. Other security issues related to cookies Since identity protection is very valuable and represents the right of every internet user, it is advisable to know what possible problems cookies may create. Because information is constantly transmitted in both directions between the browser and the website, if an attacker or unauthorized person interferes in the transmission of the data, the information contained in the cookie can be intercepted. Although very rarely, this can happen if the browser connects to the server using an unencrypted network (e.g. an unsecured WiFi network). Other cookie-based attacks involve wrong cookie settings on servers. If a website does not require the browser to use only encrypted channels, attackers may use this vulnerability to trick browsers into sending information through unsecured channels. Attackers then use the information for unauthorized access to certain sites. It is very important to be careful in choosing the most appropriate method of protecting personal information. Tips for safe and responsible cookie-based browsing. Due to their flexibility and the fact that most of the most visited sites and the largest ones use cookies, they are almost inevitable. Disabling cookies will not allow the user access to the most widely used sites including Youtube, Gmail, Yahoo and others. Here are some tips that can assure you that you do not worry but with the help of cookies: • Customize your browser's cookie settings to reflect a comfortable level of cookie security for you • If you don't mind cookies and you are the only person using your computer, you can set month time out for storing your browsing history and personal access data. • If you share access to the computer, you can consider setting your browser to delete individual browsing data each time you close your browser. This is a way to access sites that place cookies and delete any visitation information at the close of the browsing session. • Install and constantly update your antispyware applications. Many spyware detection and prevention applications include site detection of attacks. This prevents the browser from accessing websites that could exploit browser vulnerabilities or download dangerous software. Make sure your browser is always up-to-date. Many of the cookie-based attacks are carried out by exploiting the weaknesses of old versions of browsers. Cookies are everywhere and cannot be avoided if you want to enjoy access to the best and largest sites on the Internet – local or international. With a clear understanding of how they operate and the benefits they bring, you can take the necessary security measures so that you can confidently browse the Internet. How can I stop cookies? Disabling and refusing to receive cookies may make certain sites impractical or difficult to visit and use. Also, refusing to accept cookies does not mean that you will no longer receive/see online advertising. It is possible to set these cookies in your browser to stop being supported, or you can set your browser to accept cookies from a specific site. But, for example, if you're not registered using cookies, you won't be able to leave comments. All modern browsers offer the possibility to change cookie settings. These settings are usually found in "options" or in the "preferences" menu of your browser. To understand these settings, the following links can be useful, otherwise you can use the browser's "help" option for more details. • Cookie settings in Internet Explorer • Cookie settings in Firefox • Cookie settings in Chrome • Cookie settings in Safari For cookie settings generated by third parties, you can also consult the website: https://www.youronlinechoices.com/ro/ IAB Romania provides the following site to provide more information on privacy related to online advertising: https://www.youronlinechoices.com/ro/ For more details related to privacy issues, you can also access the following links: • https://www.dreptonline.ro/legislatie/oug_13_2012_modificare_prelucrare_date_caracter_personal_protectia_vietii_private_comunicatii_electronice.phpwww.youronlinechoices.eu/rohttps://www.iabeurope.eu/cookies-faq/internet-cookies---increasing-and-enhancing-yourinternet-surfing-experience/what-are-cookies-how-do-they-work---cookies-faq.aspxhttps://www.guardian.co.uk/info/cookies

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