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Electric fireplace Hanna ElectricSun

Advantages Electric fireplace Hanna ElectricSun free standing electric fires L110xH102cm:

  • Infrared heating fireplace;
  • Free standing electric fires, Quick assembly in 20 minutes with only a cross;
  • Ideal installation in any place: apartments, offices, houses, etc.
  • Premium quality mantle of MDF, high quality finish;
  • Insert 23 inch 61 x 47 cm; Power 2000W; Power voltage 230V;
  • Flame effect 3D with burning logs and jar molding, Traditional flame realism;
  • The flame Led 10W works independently of heating, with or without heating;
  • The flame has a color and has 3 brightness settings;
Electric fireplace Hanna ElectricSun free standing electric firesLED technology – low consumption 10 W

3D LED technology built into all ElectricSun 3D electric fireplaces.

Electric fireplace Hanna ElectricSun free standing electric firesDisplay

It is controlled by the remote control or control panel, it lights up and disappears.

Electric fireplace Hanna ElectricSun free standing electric firesInfrared heating with thermostat

Infrared heating, Thermostat for temperature setting. The fireplace can be used with or without heat.

Electric fireplace Hanna ElectricSun free standing electric firesTimer function

It can be set to stop automatically from 1 to 8 hours.

Electric fireplace Hanna ElectricSun free standing electric firesTraditional flame effect

The technology has been launched with the most real 3D flame effect. The new technology provides an unprecedented user experience.

Electric fireplace Hanna ElectricSun free standing electric firesBrightness

You can set and adjust the flame intensity in 3 different ways, giving the user the ability to set the perfect brightness according to the ambience and preferences.

Electric fireplace Hanna ElectricSun free standing electric firesSpeed

The flame has a real speed.

Electric fireplace Hanna ElectricSun free standing electric firesRemote control

For convenience and control of functions.

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Installation instructions electric heater ElectricSun

Installation instructions COMMISSIONING AND MAINTENANCE ElectricSun

Electric heater, outdoor heater, electric patio heater, panel heater, infrared heating panels, electric panel heaters, electric heating system.

  • ElectricSun electric heater works with 230 Volt single phase electrical current (220V – 240V), 50/60 Hz;
  • The panel must be connected to the mains, a separate circuit (dose or socket). STECKER – plug can be cut.
  • A separate phase electric circuit means:

A 10A fuse, wired-thick copper conductor 1.5 mm² – MAX 2.000 Watt

A 16A fuse, wired-thick copper conductor 2.5 mm² – MAX 3.200 Watt

A 20A fuse, wired-thick copper conductor 4.0 mm² – MAX 4.600 Watt

A 25A fuse, wired-thick copper conductor 4.0 mm² – MAX 5.200 Watt

A 32A fuse, wired-thick copper conductor 6.0 mm² – MAX 7.000 Watt

  • We recommend to be installed by a qualified electrician.
  • It can be mounted on drywall (plasterboard) with dowels type drywall anchor METAL.
  • The panel is secured through holes in the frame with 4 screws in the ceiling or wall and connecting to the network, then put ornamental caps to conceal fixing holes.
  • Attention! if the ceiling is not right the panels do not stick, do not tighten the screws to amaximum on the ceiling-wall, panels have to stand right in spirit level.
  • To gain maximum efficiency it is good for the panels to be mounted on the ceiling, as close as possible to the center of the room (symmetrical) with small side panel directed towards to the window, at a distance of at least 1m from the window.
  • Ideally, the distance from the corners of the ceiling panel and floor corners to be less than 3-4m because the panel radiates in the the same time the four walls and on the floor, if you put on the wall, that wall and some of floor not radiate anything, it will heat the room but the panel will operate more than 10-50%.
  • The panels can be mounted and side walls of the room (inside wall, not glass wall with no window on the opposite wall, the bottom of the panel to be at a distance of 1.5 meters from the floor, like a painting) or if the rooms are more than 3 m tall,it is good for the panels to be mounted on the wall at maximum 2.5 m, sloped at 45 degrees to the ceiling, but in this case the efficiency decreases by 10-50 %.


  • Some heated have built-in thermostat.
  • Wired thermostat is on the power cord as a classic switch.
  • It is recommended one thermostat in a room and if we have several panels.
  • It is recommended one thermostat and if we have 2-3 rooms that communicate with each other doors are opened without ex .: living room-dining room-hall-staircase-kitchen and so on.
  • Thermostat will be installed on the interior wall on the middle(central) at a height of 1.5m from the floor or after the eyes of the owners. Please note! The thermostat is not obstructed and influenced by warm air or cold;
  • Attention! the amperage thermostat in case of panels over 1200W or 3200W or several panels when installed in a room, if necessary use a contactor (pole single phase 25A, 32A, 40A etc. or right);
  • The thermostat regulates the desired temperature in the room,after the panel is dealing with your thermal comfort. (The panel has one power if you set the thermostat higher temperatures will NOT warm faster)
  • Cleaning the panel (DISCONNECTED FROM THE POWER SUPPLY)with a non-abrasive material,as soft as you can (cotton, microfiber), slightly moist and without any cleaning solutions. Do not cover. Don`t touch.
  • Non-stop use will shorten the use life of the heaters, so a break after every 12 hours use if possible.
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ElectricSun it is an electric heater, outdoor heater, electric patio heater, panel heater, infrared heating panels, electric panel heaters

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_tta_accordion style=”outline” shape=”square” color=”black” gap=”5″ c_position=”right” active_section=”99″ no_fill=”true” collapsible_all=”true”][vc_tta_section title=”See Advantages here” tab_id=”avantaje”][vc_column_text text_larger=”no”]

ElectricSun it is the BEST electric heater, outdoor heater, electric patio heater, panel heater, infrared heating panels, electric panel heaters, electric heating system:

  • ✔ They have built-in thermostat;
  • ✔ Consumes 20 to 50 less than any other heating system!
  • ✔ Far infrared 15 μm;
  • ✔ The temperature of the heating plate at black up to 430°C, at white to 125°C;
  • ✔ Simple installation, on the ceiling or wall;
  • ✔ Efficiency of 98%!
  • ✔ Average duration of use over 100.000 hours;
  • ✔ Quality certificates: TÜV GS, TÜV, ErP, ISO, ECM, CE, RoHS, IP54, IPX4;
  • ✔ They do not need service and authorization;
  • ✔ Do not consume oxygen, do not produce air currents;
  • ✔ No risk of electric shock or other accidents;
  • ✔ Health, will create a healthy environment: Have therapeutic effects due to far infrared rays emitted by ElectricSun® electric heater;
  • ✔ Calculation formula starting at 50 W/m²;

[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”See here the calculation formula, how many watts/m² heats a panel” tab_id=”formula”][vc_column_text text_larger=”no”]

Required watts/m² for heating a room with height (h ≈ 2,5 m)
Number of outer sides With good insulation Medium insulation Without insulation
1 side 50 watts / m² 70 Watts / m² 90 Watts / m²
2 sides 60 watts / m² 80 watts / m² 100 watts / m²
3 sides 70 Watts / m² 90 Watts / m² 110 Watts / m²
4 sides 80 watts / m² 100 watts / m² 120 watts / m²

Exterior sides = walls, ceiling or floor (if they are outwards – outside);
With good insulation = insulated exterior sides, heated adjoining rooms, double-glazed glass;
Medium insulation = non-insulated exterior sides, heated adjoining rooms, double-glazed glass;
Without insulation = uninsulated exterior sides, unheated adjoining rooms, old window-windows;
We recommend the larger panels! DO NOT consume more power; There can also be two or more panels in a room.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][/vc_tta_accordion][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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ElectricSun electric heater power consumption

ElectricSun electric heater power consumption

On average, in winter, a device actually operates between 2 and 12 hours, on average 6 to 8 hours a day, if our recommendations are taken into account and if the actual situation of the room is reported.

If the radiant panel is smaller than our recommendations or the actual situation of the room is not correctly reported, the panel may not cover heat loss and will run for longer, even does not reach the temperature you want, and the panel life will be shorter, and the monthly power consumption will be higher.

The longer the radiant panel is, the longer the panel life, and the longer the monthly current consumption is NOT, the panel heats up faster and the thermostat will turn it off. The efficiency of the panel is higher also due to the higher power and the larger size.

Electricity consumption is relative and depends on the following factors influencing consumption:

– the power of the panel (if the panel is sized correctly, not to be smaller, if it is larger does not consume you more);

– the supply voltage 220 – 240 Volts, not to be lower;

– the outside temperature (depends on the geographical area);

– the degree of thermo-isolation of the room (heat loss – heat);

– the number of exterior walls;

– adjoining rooms if heated or unheated,

– the number of windows and the surface of the windows;

– the type of carpentry and glass and their quality;

– the opening of windows and doors;

– the setting of the thermostat, etc.

The disadvantages of the room, meaning heat losses are disadvantages no matter what type of heating system you use.

Example an 19 m² room with 2.5 meters high (=45m³), a thermally insulated exterior wall with 10 cm polystyrene, with 2 m² double glazing, four heated adjoining rooms and the thermo-insulated floor, the temperature set in thermostat 22°Celsius, has an ElectricSun 960W panel (= 50 Watts/m²).

It means 5.8 kw/day, that is 174 kw/month.

ElectricSun electric heater power consumption

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Electric fireplace ElectricSun

Advantages Electric Fireplace ElectricSun free standing electric fires:

  • Delivered assembled, Floor mounting; ideal installation in any place: apartments, offices, houses, etc.
  • Premium quality flooring with solid wood reinforcements and inserts;
  • Columns with solid wood inserts; Traditional – Classic design with supple lines;
  • It’s got a 26″ inch insert 67 x 50 cm; Power 1500W; Power voltage 230V;
  • Flame effect with burning logs and jar molding; 3D effect and classic flame realism;
  • 10W LED flame works independently of heating, with or without heating;
  • The flame has 6 colors + automatic and has 3 adjustable steps of luminosity;
Electric Fireplace ElectricSun free standing electric firesSound

Sound device that mimics the crackling of logs and reproduces the sound of burning fire that can be switched off or started separately from heating.

Electric Fireplace ElectricSun free standing electric firesLED technology – low consumption 10 W

3D LED technology built into all ElectricSun 3D electric fireplaces.

Electric Fireplace ElectricSun free standing electric firesDisplay

It is controlled by the remote control or control panel, it lights up and disappears.

Electric Fireplace ElectricSun free standing electric firesHeating with thermostat

High-quality, efficient and silent aerotherm. Temperature setting thermostat, adjustable 17–27°C. The fireplace can be used with or without heat.

Electric Fireplace ElectricSun free standing electric firesClassic flame effect

It’s a technology with the most real classical flame effect. The new technology provides an unprecedented user experience.

Electric Fireplace ElectricSun free standing electric firesBrightness

It can set and adjust the intensity of the flame in 3 different ways, gives the user the possibility to set the perfect brightness according to the ambience and preferences.

Electric Fireplace ElectricSun free standing electric firesSpeed

The flame has a real speed.

Electric Fireplace ElectricSun free standing electric firesRemote control

For convenience and control of functions.

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